New Year, New Decade
Reflecting on a Good Year
Happy New Year from the ELENA DAMY family! Our personal and professional families.
As the New Year, and a new decade! begins, we don’t want to just look back into the past. Reflecting on what we did, our challenges and successes, what we didn’t do, or, what #teamelenadamy totally ROCKED! And there was a lot of that! But we know, it all matters when we are looking back into 2019, and the last decade entirely. Reviewing our wins and losses is a must as we move into the New Year as it all informs us, as small business owners and creative professionals, what’s working and what needs shifting. Readjusting is a never-ending endeavor!
Looking Ahead
But we also intend to look ahead, into the next chapter of ELENA DAMY! Learning from the past 10 years while we imagine how our life will be in another 10 years from now. Particularly when 2019 was a big anniversary year for us: we celebrated 15 years in Cabo San Lucas! So, looking ahead into the next season of our business is exactly where we are right now!
Directing the Course
As the famous writer Mark Twain said, the choices we make in the new year may affect and direct the course of our lives for years to come.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain
Let’s Do This – 2020!
So, with all that in mind, we’re committing to following Mr. Twain’s advice. In 2020, and the ensuing 10 years of our business, we’re throwing off the bowlines to explore, dream, and discover new creative projects!
Happy New Year to all!